Let Us Pray

We are not alone during this pandemic. Emmanuel means God is with us every step of the way. May these uncertain times be an opportunity to grow in prayer.

Lord, have mercy.
Jesus, Eternal Son of God, have mercy on us.
Jesus, born into the human family,
Jesus, rejected by the world you came to save,
Jesus, bargained for and sold for money,
Jesus, foreseeing your torments and sweating blood,
Jesus, betrayed by a false friend,
Jesus, deserted by those you loved,
Jesus, slapped in the face and spit upon in a court of justice,
Jesus, accused by liars,
Jesus, disowned by Peter,
Jesus, insulted by Herod,
Jesus, condemned to death by Pilate,
Jesus, beaten with whips,
Jesus, crowned with thorns,
Jesus, rejected for the murderer, Barabbas,
Jesus, burdened with a cross,
Jesus, stripped of your clothing,
Jesus, nailed to a cross,
Jesus, taunted in your pain,
Jesus, abandoned,
Jesus, shedding the last drop of your blood,
Jesus, dying for us,
Jesus, laid in a tomb,
Jesus, rising in glory,
Jesus, ascending into heaven,
Jesus, sending down the Holy Spirit,
Jesus, our ransom,
Jesus, our brother,
Jesus, our God, have mercy on us.

From Lent-Easter Meditations and Prayers 

by Fr. Victor Hoagland, C.P.

2 Replies to “Let Us Pray”

  1. Thank you for sharing this beautiful prayer today, Fr. Victor. I would like to share my thoughts of several years ago.

    Out of Darkness

    The final meal
    The darkness
    The garden
    The betrayal
    The trial
    The beating
    The scourging
    The mockery
    The spitting
    The torturous walk
    The heavy burden
    The driven nails
    The crucifixion
    The surrender
    The lance
    The tomb
    …and then came Sunday!

    Gloria Ziemienski
    September 14, 2009

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